It’s often assumed that as we age, we need less sleep. The reality is that the quality of our sleep and our sleep patterns change as we get older; from needing to go to bed earlier and waking during the night to dozing during the day. There are changes, however, that are not the norm.
Insomnia, prolonged problems with sleeplessness and feeling tired all the time should be issues of concern. Lack of sleep can lead to long term health problems such as diabetes, weight gain, mental health issues and cardiovascular disease.
So how can older people get a better night’s sleep?
Sleep Tips For Older People
Sleep is essential for our health and wellbeing. As we age, there are lots of ways that people can manage their sleep better. Below we’ve put together below some ways in which we can get a good night’s sleep as we age.

Bedroom Environment
Often overlooked, our bedroom environment is an essential part of establishing good sleep hygiene. Everything from the temperature of the room and the mattress we sleep on to the bedding we choose could aid a better night’s sleep.
During menopause one of the many symptoms that women experience is sleeplessness. For many, sleepless nights can be brought on by a number of different factors from restless legs to night sweats, depression and stress to irregular body temperature. If you can, vent the room by keeping the window slightly open and, of course, wear light cotton nightwear to keep your body’s core temperature at the right level.
Ideally, the bedroom temperature should be between 16 and 18 degrees Celsius. And bedding that is made of natural materials such as silk or wool can help keep you cool at night. Some mattresses too are now designed with a cool and warm side and with other breathable qualities.
If the budget stretches to it, and you’re due a new bed, consider investing in a cooling gel bed. Drawing heat away from the mattress surface a gel bed will help keep the temperature balanced all night long for a comfortable night’s sleep.

Establishing A Good Nighttime Routine
Try and keep to a regular bedtime as this will help you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed and rested.
Everything from eating late, drinking alcohol, lack of exercise and watching TV late into the night could all be contributing to sleep problems. It’s best to avoid caffeine after 3 pm as various studies have found that caffeine stays a long time in our bodies, keeping us awake. Remember, tea, coffee and alcohol can all dehydrate the body.
It’s time to switch off the mobile, television and other gadgets that are likely to distract from the serious business of sleep! Blue light emitted from smartphones and tablets interferes with our internal body clocks, suppressing melatonin levels which we need to nod off.

Relax and Unwind
A relaxing bath, reading a book or listening to some relaxing music will all help us to nod off. A cool shower or bath before bedtime can also help refresh and cool the body before you go to sleep. Yogic breathing techniques will also help calm the mind.
Partner disturbance is often cited as a reason for disturbed sleep. Snoring, in particular, can be disruptive to you or your partner’s sleep. An adjustable or electric bed can help prevent snoring, helping both partners to sleep soundly.
A larger bed is also more comfortable and means less partner disturbance. Studies have shown that couples sleep better in a bigger bed and because as a nation we’re getting bigger; we need more space.
If you’re still struggling to get over to sleep at night, practise deep breathing and deep muscle relaxation in a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed.
Try and give your mind time to calm down before you try to sleep, and remember, worrying about not sleeping is more likely to keep you awake.

Bed and Mattress Advice
If you are worried about your sleep, talk to your GP or Health Professional about your concerns. For advice on bed and mattress solutions to help you sleep, contact our Sleep Academy Trained Staff who’ll be happy to advise on any sleep needs you or your family have.
Call, email or visit us in-store our retail store in Markethill. We’re only 45mins from Belfast, an hour from Dublin and conveniently located between Armagh and Newry, just off the A28. So whether you live in Dundalk, Drogheda, Dungannon or Derry, we’re on hand to help you out.
We have a great selection of beds, mattresses and adjustable beds for you to view in store or browse online. We stock the top UK and Irish bed brands King Koil, Kaymed, Respa, Relyon, Slumbernight, Vogue, Sherborne, Sweet Dreams, Hestia Motion and MiBed. With good stock available in store, we’ve lots of beds for you to view and try before you buy. What’s more, we provide a Free Delivery service of your New Bed throughout our Free Delivery Zone. The free delivery zone extends across Northern Ireland, and Counties Cavan, Louth, Meath, Monaghan and Dublin, in the rest of Ireland.